It is a matter of great pride and joy that Livingstone Foundation International has been honored with India’s Top-12 International School Ranking Award at the Annual India School Merit Awards Function held at Bengaluru on 11th & 12th January 2022. The Award was received on behalf of the school by its Director, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi. The school was also ranked at No.1 in Nagaland and No.1 in Dimapur as well for its overall excellence among India’s Top 20 Day-cum-Boarding Schools for exemplary contribution in the field of education. The India’s School Merit Awards 2021-22 was based on overall Jury Rating, Parent’s Votes and the Education Today Team Analysis (Perception Based). LFI has been adjudged among the Top-20 Schools of India on the basis of its Holistic Approach towards the development of its students through Co-Curricular Education and Academic Coordination which was highly appreciated at the national educational circles.