LFIC organises Felicitation program for Faith in Action Member, Kevin
The team from the “Faith-in-Action Taekwondo Academy” in Dimapur won the Team Aerobic Competition and claimed the title of world champions, being the first Indian team to accomplish so in 40 years. The team broke the records at Mumbai on the sets of India’s Got Talent at 14.5 ft breaking the previous records by China…

The Department of Commerce, LFI College attended one day state level workshop on 16th June on National Higher education qualification framework under NEP- 2020& Four-year Undergraduate Programme under Nagaland University, organized by Department of Commerce, Dimapur Government College. The resource persons were Dr. Gautam Patikar, Dr. P.K. Deka and Dr. Ratan Kaurinta from Department of…

National Service Scheme (NSS), Livingstone Foundation International College organised a tree-planting initiative on the occasion of “World Environment Day” on 5th June, 2023. The plantation drive was carried out at home by student volunteers. The volunteers planted trees to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct in preserving and enhancing the environment…

LFIC visits NSS Adopted Village-Murise
The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit, Livingstone Foundation International College conducted a survey on the topic “Youth not in formal education and regular employment” at the adopted Murise village on May 3, 2023 under the directive of NSS North East Zone and State NSS Officer (Ministry of Youth and Sports). The main objective of the…

Evacuation and Mock drill on Disaster Preparedness conducted at LFIC
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)& the Disaster Management Club in collaboration with the Dimapur District Disaster Management Authority conducted Evacuation and Mock Drill for disaster preparedness in the College on 29th April 2023. A team of 18 members led by Mr. Angukato K Yeptho, ASI Civil Defence and Home Guards Dimapur, carried out various…

NABARD Sponsored One Day National Seminar
The Department of Commerce, Livingstone Foundation International College Dimapur organized a One Day National Seminar on the Topic “Rural Agricultural Extension: A Catalyst for Alleviating Poverty through Sustainable Farming and Averting Food Crisis” sponsored by NABARD on 3rd March 2023 at LFI Auditorium. Mrs. Tiakala Ao, General Manager NABARD, Regional Office was the Guest of…

A team of 8 girls from Livingstone Foundation International participated in the 2nd Inter-Higher Secondary Girls Futsal Tournament 2022 which was organized by Innovative and Development Cell (IDC) of Pranabananda Women’s College, Dimapur on 23rd and 24th September 2022. The Coordinator, IDC, Meyisangla Jamir, Asstt Prof, Department of English stated that the tournament was organized…

2nd Freshers’ Meet on 9th September 2022
Livingstone Foundation International College Dimapur conducted its 2nd Freshers’ Meet on 9th September 2022 at the LFI Auditorium under the theme “Through Difficulties to Great Things”. During the first session which was chaired by Ms. Ameka Assumi of 3rd Semester, the Principal of the college, Dr. R. K. Behera delivered the welcome address while the…

Essay Writing Competition
On August 12,2022, the Department of English, Livingstone Foundation International College, organised an essay writing competition on August 12, 2022 in commemoration of the 75 years of India’s independence (“Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”) . The event’s objective on this important occasion was to encourage and develop improvisatory, artistic, and writing skills. It was participated in…