After the successful setting up of the Livingstone Foundation International College earlier this year, it was with quite fervor that the first ever Meet and Greet Event was organized at the College campus on the 30th of September 2021.
The event gains more prominence as a platform for effective interaction between the Parents / Guardians and the Mentors.
Along with the Management, the event was attended by the parents/guardians, faculty members and the students.
The event which began at 11:00 AM was beautifully compered by Ms. Imsulemla, Asst. Professor from Commerce Department.
The invocation prayer was said by the Chaplain, Ms. Medozhanuo Tepa followed by the College Anthem led by Ms. Libo Sumi, Staff Member.
The welcome address was delivered by the Principal, Dr. R.K. Behera who gave valuable insights into the college’s vision and ambitions as well as the welfare of the students.
This was followed by a vitalizing speech by the Chairman of LFIC, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema who motivated the gathering with his words of wisdom and encouragement.
The air was suddenly set to motion soon after with a beautiful duet number performed by Ms. Tsurila, Pol. Sc. Hons. and Sorikumla, English Hons. Short speeches on behalf of parents and students were delivered by Mrs. Khetoli G. Sumi and Mr. Hivika, Pol. Sc. Hons. respectively.
During the occasion, Mrs Ani Yepthomi Director LFI did the honors to the winners Mr. Kedithil Tetso of English Department and Tiaienla Amri of Psychology Department were declared as the Mr. and Miss. Freshers.
During the event, the Chairman, LFIC, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema did the honors of presenting certificates to the winners of the Essay Competition which was held on 13th of August 2021.
It is worth mentioning that the competition was held in commemoration of the completion of 75 years of India’s independence under the national event of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Ms. T . Tsurila Yimchunger, from the Pol. Sc. Department, secured the first position while Ms. Sorikumla from English Department was placed second.
The programme came to a blessed conclusion with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. L. Achila Kikon Panmei, IQAC Coordinator followed by the benediction by Mr. Amos Phungthar, Librarian.