Greetings from Livingstone.
“I hear, I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” (Confucius).
Indeed Livingstone truly believes in all round development… not only a bookish knowledge or tuition oriented. As such our ‘Vision’ to be the architects of a golden tomorrow by giving rise to generations of thought leaders and ‘Mission’ to impact academic excellence along with quality education in the area of all round development and also to contribute to society through the pursuit of education’. All well blended along with its aims and objectives of the school, which is elaborated in school curriculum, co-curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
The Vision and Mission of Livingstone is nothing but to help to discover the talent in the students and support to develop them so as to make them achievers.
Prospectus (pro+spectus); pro = for or forward; spectus = see, sight, looking. In other words prospectus means “looking ahead”.
Isn’t it a paradox? ‘Prospectus’ of a school actually is the epitome of all that school stands for. Strange to say, in prospectus, school, besides being in a capsule form, can it also be a “Blue Print”? Perhaps, this is being too ‘audacious’ if not paradox! This Prospectus in the present form tries to do both. It not only summarises all that this school is but it also lays down guidance for the future landmarks to evolve.
I only wish all that the school envisions through its present status will gradually evolve into a future foreseen “Banyan Tree” which has its branches spread out in all direction and taking their roots. “Just as a seed needs water, soil and sun for growth, the seed of knowledge also needs quality educational methods, a favourable location, and enlightenment for growth and sustenance .“
We are in an age of specialization. The quantum of information about every subject is very high compared to that of a decade or two ago. And this drives us towards specialization. Some time back we had only very few subjects in the universities and colleges that could offer for graduation. Now many of the topics in those subjects have turned out to be independent subjects offering a graduate, post graduate degrees or beyond. It is like the sons and daughters in a family becoming independent heads of families later.
The end result of this change is that, instead of the very few professional courses that we had in the past we have now hundreds of specialized professional courses. This leads every activity to be more scientific, professional and efficient.
This changing scenario has a great bearing on the schools. That it has to assist them to find out his/her aptitude and attitude, and giving them the basic training. And this invites the school for a holistic education programme. Besides, the conventional subjects, the school should introduce the extra-curricular activities side by side with co-curricular activities. Introduction of these subjects would eat up the treasury of the management but looking into the future, these subject are to be given due importance and inclusion.
Bear in mind that one needs to analyse his or her interest, hobby, aptitude, strength, weakness, personality, skills, talents, financial support, academic back ground, capability, opportunity, nature of work before choosing the right course for study to have a successful career. Career means profession, which we want to adopt for earning livelihood, and planning means proper flow or to make proper decisions. Pre- planning in our life plays very important role in every aspect of life, to work in a proper flow.
Sir Richard Livingstone rightly said, “Education is Atmosphere as well as instruction”. As such Livingstone has also been well blended with the environment too which plays a large role in children’s ability to concentrate. As saying goes the more comfortable and welcoming your environment is, the easier it will likely to be for you to stay there and focus.
“Indeed, I wish the children to be that drop which creates the ripples of change”
These are the days of explosion of knowledge. These are the days of Globalisation. Globalisation has squeezed our world into a small place. The World Wide Web (www) has transformed the world into a small village—the Global Village.
Incidentally new ideas, new technologies and new avenues have sprung up across this Global Village. To cope up with these colourful avenues of life one should have a strong science based outlook, a strong scientific attitude.
With the advent of Takshila Institute for grooming the students for the technical course entrances, Science Section was introduced in the Higher Secondary level of Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School in the year 2009. This has helped greatly in adding a new feather to the School and in broadening the academic horizon of the students.
But merely acquiring the knowledge of science does not mean acquiring scientific attitude. This implies inculcating the spirit of science in all the spheres, may it be science or arts; social, cultural, literary etc.
I sincerely hope and believe that by cultivating this scientific attitude our students will step forward to meet the demands offered by Globalisation and thereby to attain their goal in life to prove themselves to be successful persons in the world.
(Dr. G.C. Baruah)
HOD Science Section
Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School (LFHSS), is named to honour Sir Richard Livingstone, the 20th century writer, moralist and educationist.
He believed that education must provide a philosophy of life, and a sense of value. He also believed that, “Education is atmosphere as well as instruction”.
It must bring home to the students the greatest of all problems—the problem of living and guidance in life—to differentiate between what is first-rate from what is not.
If the school sends out children with desire for knowledge and some idea of how to acquire and use it, then we consider our work complete.
LFHSS is situated away from the hustle-bustle of daily activities. Yet, it is not so far away that it deprives children of human contact or social interaction.
The location of the school itself is conducive to mental activities. An aura of peace and tranquility can be experienced here.
The school was founded on the pattern of a conventional Public School. It is a residential cum day school and offers co-educational facilities.
It was established on 15th October, 1988 with the total of 52 students from Classes: Prep-I to III. There were 40 boarders and 12 day scholars.
At present the school comfortably accommodates 1500 students with modern boarding facilities for an average of 500 students. The present size of the school is maintained to a maximum of 45 per class since increase in numbers would jeopardize one of the Livingstone Foundation School’s educational principles, namely, the importance of maintaining individual relationships between the teachers and students.
This school has been recognised and upgraded up to class: XII as per CBSE Affiliation No. 1430014, with Arts, Science and Commerce stream.
The aim and objective of Livingstone Foundation School is to provide sound education respecting all cultures, languages and religions. The duty of a pupil is to love and serve his/her neighbours at all time by upholding the dignity of all people and creating a just Society where every individual will live an upright human life.
The objective of education therefore is to teach our pupils to perform their duties towards their fellow men, to their country and God and to infuse in them the desire to fulfill their duties with all their power.
The School Motto is “LEARN TO SERVE” which helps in the development of character, viz., self-discipline, tolerance, responsibility, security and last but not the least, the spiritual value. The school is geared to provide quality education. The motto of the school represents that learning is not merely for learning sake; learning is aimed at service society.
Education is complete only when the student becomes socially a useful member. Hence students in this school are prepared in every aspect of life: academic, non-academic, physical and spiritual. Academically, quality education through a very qualified staff is imparted. Students are trained to excel in every subject. Our annual results bear testimony to this fact.
Non-academically, through extra-curricular activities, students enjoy lessons in keyboard, guitar, violin, flower making, needle work, embroidery, art and painting, taekwondo, singing and dancing, chess, quiz, NCC, Bharat Scout & Guide etc.
Physically, coaches are available for all games and sports, like football, cricket, basketball, volleyball, badminton, march past etc.
At the spiritual level, regular scripture reading, prayer, chapel service every Sunday where one gets to hear from good preachers is customary.
Students are taught to be in touch with the Almighty and His Spirit; God is good; He is just; He provides for and takes care of all; these are some of the values woven in the fabric of school education here.
Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School was founded in the year 1988 with the aspiration of giving to the children the best in everything. In the 21st century, the best start in life for a child is an all-round education, good foundation, and personal development. Livingstone, with its modern outlook and traditional values is inculcating these in students.
The School motto “LEARN TO SERVE” itself symbolizes modern and traditional values of learning and serving the society at large.
The aim of the curriculum is to provide a good and all round education. The subjects taught in the classes are English language and literature, Hindi, History, Geography, Civics, Economics, Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, IT, General Knowledge and Moral Science and besides these, the school has educational contests like debates, Essay competition, Elocution, Quiz, in-door and out-door games etc.
The medium of instruction is English, Hindi only in Hindi class and on Saturdays. Hindi is spoken to make the pupils familiar with the National language.
Students in Pre-Primary section are taught and prepared to perform well and they are promoted on evaluation observed throughout the year.
Students from 1 to 12 are taught CBSE syllabus. The syllabus taught for each Class is divided into Two Terms i.e. mid-term and promotion exams.
Students have to undergo Two FA test each prior to terminal exams. Evaluation of the Pupil’s work is done through an average assessment of all the Terms and several internal activities as per CCE.
No pupil is allowed to sit for the Promotion Examination if the attendance during the academic year is below 80%.
The students of the entire School are divided into four Houses, namely, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each House has a House Master, House Miss and a House Captain.
The division gives an opportunity for intimate interaction and for healthy competition in sports and other general co-curricular activities of the School. Special Trophies are awarded for discipline, best academic performance. Besides the Trophies, certificates on every co-curricular item is also given.
Livingstone organises Educational Tours both National and International trips from time to time to enhance pupil’s knowledge of the globe.
A group of children were sent to Kohima to learn about the various traditions of Nagaland in the Hornbill Festival.
Sometimes Abroad educational study tours are also conducted.
Some energetic group of students were sent to gather knowledge on Science and Scientific equipment at Guwahati. Educational tour is taken at Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Goa, Pune, Bangalore, Darjeeling, Sikkim etc.
Livingstone also offers opportunity to depute Teachers for acquiring latest techniques of teaching. One Teacher was sent from English Department to attend English teaching workshop at Nagaland College of Teachers training in 2006, Pre-Primary Teachers were sent to Kolkata and Guwahati to equip themselves on child friendly pattern of education. Teachers, also undergo various crash-courses training within the campus as well sent outside Nagaland for better exposure.
These courses and training are organised by various Government and Professional teams. Besides, all of our Teaching Staff are well qualified from different universities. To maintain a healthy balance, Livingstone always appoints Teachers from different background, cultures and regions so that a well-knit development takes place in the students.
Livingstone does discriminate between children on the basis on their gender, race, color, caste, or creed. It tries to accommodate every student and encourage them to pursue higher studies.
The school has a state-of-the-art computer lab. Both software and hardware are upgraded periodically to ensure that computer training is on par with the best.
Computer education is given from Class 3 onwards as a compulsory subject and is being taught by qualified and experienced teachers.
C. C. A
Competition is the trademark of today’s world. Only the best ones get selected and reach the higher berth of the successful elites. Hence Livingstone school has never looked back whenever call for various competitions came at the interschool level. Time and again, the school has bagged the championship in debate, elocution, ex-tempore speech, painting, chess, badminton, basketball, football, march past and discipline.
Monotony is the enemy of a progressive life. To inculcate vibrating activities in children, Livingstone especially arranged Taekwondo, PT, Football, Drawing, Art, and Music (including guitar and keyboards/piano),
NCC, Scout and Guide under the able guidance of properly trained trainers. Music teacher pulls the string of guitar and pumps on the piano to help children learn right notes of music. Scouts and Guides movement is another area of mental, physical & spiritual training.
At Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School we strive for excellence in all our pursuits academic, Games & Sports, Spiritual & Cultural activity areas. Children of our School are given the opportunity to fulfill their potential in the above mentioned curriculum.
In order to promote self-discipline and confidence into our students, the School encourages students to take part in various games like Football, Cricket, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Badminton, Table Tennis, and other Indoor Games through the respective Houses.
Livingstone has spacious boarding facilities with separate arrangements for boys and girls. The accommodations are hygienic, airy and bright with A/C facility.
Care is taken to ensure that while children are given their personal space to grow up they are also taught to interact and learn to live with children from diverse backgrounds.
At Livingstone Boarding we ensure that students are not ragged or bullied. Teachers are present in every dormitory and no form of bullying or ragging is tolerated.
The food served at Livingstone is of the best possible quality, catered by the 5 Star Caterers. The menu is supervised by a trained nutritionist. All meals are served in a modern, hygienic and clean dining room.
Children are encouraged to interact with each other at meals time and at all other possible times to nurture a sense of belonging, mutual-respect and tolerance. A cheerful and happy atmosphere coupled with discipline helps our children to grow.
An Alumni of this school Master Hokaito Zhimomi was selected player of the Knight Riders in the IPL Cricket Tournament in 2007 (The only player from the North East).
Every year Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School takes part in North East Meet at Assam Valley School, Balipathar, Assam.
In 2007, Aketo Achumi, an alumni of LFHSS was named one of the best footballers during the North East Meet.
Livingstone was also adjudged the best in March Past during the ANPSA (All Nagaland Private School Association), Dimapur Unit, in recent past.
Many of our students have successfully participated in National Children Science Congress. Miss Aboli Jakhalu was selected at International level of Children Science Congress and were sent to Germany, sponsored by the Government of India, Dept. Of Science & Technology.
Mr. Thritingse .T. Sangtam student of our school had been adjudged the Badminton Champion of Nagaland State in Junior Category under 16 Years in the year 2008.
Miss Nisha Singh (Class 10) from our School is a Junior State Chess Champion. She had the opportunity to play with World Champion Mr. Vishawnathan Anand twice, once in Mumbai and the other at Guwahati.
Satisfied with the school’s performance, in the year 2008, Nagaland, and LFHSS in particular, was selected to host the 16th NCSC which was a historic moment not only for LFHSS but for the entire State in general.
Nagaland is the 16th State to get its Statehood in India. It also has 16 major tribes which not only seems to be a great Coincidence but also a privilege and a great honour.
The School also conducts Educational Contest like Debates, Essay Competition, Elocution, Quiz, Drawing and Art Competition to bring out the hidden talents of our students.
Admission to Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School (LFHSS) is granted on the basis of a written or viva qualifying interview.
New admission is taken only for Classes playgroup/ Nursery/ Prep-I /Prep-II to class 8.
Parents desiring admission for their children, are required to complete the Application Form which can be procured from the Accounts Office.
The registration fee is neither refundable nor constitutes an assurance of admission. Application for admission will not be accepted unless accompanied by:
(a) Birth Certificate (both original & photocopy; original will be returned after verification)
(b) Three copies of recently taken passport size photos.
(c) A Doctor’s certificate stating about student’s physical fitness.
(d) Only after the confirmation of seats, original transfer certificate will have to be produced from the previous school.
(e) C.R Book for Nagaland Student’s.
(f) T.C. is not needed for admission into playgroup/Nursery/Junior Kindergarten/Senior Kindergarten
Age Limit: The Class for which a child is registered will depend on his/her age for various Classes and performance in the admission test, the age limit goes as under:
· Play Group: 2 years
· Pre-nursery: 3 years
· Junior Kindergarten: 4 years
· Senior Kindergarten: 5 years
· Class 1 and above: 6 years onwards
(a) The Chairman/Administrator/Principal may any time, and without assigning reasons, ask a parent to withdraw their child if he/she is found unacceptable in the best interest of the school.
(b) Transfer Certificate, School Leaving Certificate, Testimonials and Examination Certificate will not be issued until all school dues have been cleared in the Account section.
(c) Once the student joins this school, he/she has to complete 2 academic years. T.C. / C.R. Book will not be issued till he/she completes 2 academic years.
(d) In case the Parents / Guardians insist to take T.C. in the middle of academic session, he/she has to pay the full school fees etc. for the whole year. This is done so because the School has already reserved the child’s seat, for that whole academic session.
1. Enrolment at Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School implies on the part of the student and parents willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of the School.
2. The School year begins in the month of January and ends in the month of December including prescribed holidays.
3. Date of Birth once recorded at the time of admission cannot be changed.
4. Students who fail twice successively in the same class will not be allowed to continue in the school. The decision of the school authority with regards to the Promotion is final.
6. The school authorities reserve to themselves the right to check the students’ correspondence. As far as possible, correspondence should be done in English.
7. Books, periodicals, food parcels, extra pocket money etc. may be brought in the school only with the permission of the Chairman/Administrator/Hostel-in-charge/T.O.D. Nothing of such items should be given directly to the students except through Office.
8. Electronic goods / Cell Phones are completely prohibited.
9. Boarders are not to leave the School premises without the permission of Chairman / Administrator / Hostel In-charge l/T.O.D.
10. Students who are absent from any examination for any reason will not be re-examined; marks obtained in the Unit Test, Terminal and final examination will determine promotion. No unusual and impracticable request will be entertained.
11. Students found using unfair means at any time especially during examination will Be dealt as per the gravity of the case such as: allotting zero marks on the concerned subject(s) or change of answer script and issue of fresh answer script to write exam without extra time or Debar from writing other subjects of Exam especially in selection Exam or Detain in the same class in the coming year or T. C. will be issued..
12. Parents are requested not to meet the teachers about School matters or about their children without first Contacting the Chairman/Administrator/Principal
13. Boarders/Day-scholars whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school or is prejudicial to its ordinary discipline and those who in the judgement of the authorities are not deserving are liable to be sent home.
14. The school is committed to the idea of students giving service both to the School and to the wider community. This is done in various ways. They are encouraged to serve and to lead in various school functions. The students must help to keep the school premises clean and green.
15. Students are not allowed to have credit accounts with the local firms, restaurants or persons.
16. Any damage done to the school property should be made good by the pupil concern.
17. Pocket Money of the students should be handed over to the office. No students is allowed to keep pocket money with them.
18. Students are not allowed to use the Phone without the explicit permission of the Chairman / Administrator / Principal. They must disclose the matter before ringing to the Parents / Guardians.
19. Calling over the phones, meeting the child during the class hours are strictly forbidden.
20. Student must give due respect to the school authority and all the Teachers.
22. Day scholars are strictly forbidden to carry message and letters or make any purchase for Boarders.
23. Parents/Guardians are welcome to meet the office in person with regard to their child during School working hours.
24. Visitors other than Parent’s/legal guardians can meet a student only after his parents expressed leave, given in writing to the school authority.
25. To acquire greater proficiency in the study of English, only English should be spoken in the school premises and Hindi during Hindi classes or Saturdays.
26. Every child attending the school is obliged to take part in all the co-curricular activities of the school as a part of his/her civic training and no one will be excused except for valid reasons. No pupil will abstain from physical exercise without the Doctor’s certificate / advice.
27 The amount deposited towards admission for a particular year will neither be refunded nor be transferred in another year
28. Non-payment of fees for two consecutive months will lead to student’s name being struck off from the roll.
29. If a student is found bunking from his/her class, his/her name will be struck off the rolls. Incase the management considers (on the request of parents) to Re-admit the child then the same shall be considered as a fresh admission followed by school procedure.
30. Hostellers shall pay special attention to cleanliness, good manners and gentlemanly behaviour and to do everything to maintain the peaceful atmosphere and good name of the Hostel. Students are expected to treat seniors, fellow students, and teachers, with respect and politeness.
a) For the smooth functioning of the Hostel as well as to avoid inconveniences, Visiting Card must be obtained from the Hostel Office by the Parents/Guardians. And they will only be allowed to visit their child/children after producing the visiting Card.
b) “Exeat Card” must be obtained for all outing/leave cases after getting the permission from the Office.
c) “Exeat Card” will not be issued if the student’s work or conduct has been unsatisfactory. They will also not be issued if the school is in session. The discretion of the School authority is final and definitive.
d) On School Outing day, which falls on every second Saturday of the month and as further indicated in the School Fixture, only those students are allowed outing who have given satisfactory performance during the previous month and whose parents/Guardians have brought them back in time.
e) Students must return after the holidays on the appointed date and time. In case of sickness, the school authority must be notified and Doctor’s certificate will have to be produced. If absent without sanctioned leave for more than 15 Days, his/her name will be Struck off from the Roll.
f. Parents/Guardians on their arrival must report to the Office/TOD and ask for students they want to meet. They must not directly contact the child.
g. Visitors other than immediate relatives may see a student only with his/her parents expressed leave, given in writing to the Chairman/Administrator/Hostel In-charge.
h. Hostellers, both on leaving Hostel and on returning, must be accompanied by their parents or by a person duly authorised by them.
i. Once the ward is admitted into the hostel, he/she will not be withdrawn under any circumstances. In case the ward wishes to be withdrawn from the hostel permanently, his/her name will be struck off the school roll, fees & other charges paid will not be refunded.
J. In case of permanent withdrawal or expulsion from the hostel, no refund whatsoever, can be claimed from the hostel/school authority by the parents/guardians of the child concerned.
K. Exercise Books, Toiletry and stationary items will be issued to the boarders according to their demand and the same will be charged/billed.
Visiting/Outing day:
Parents/Guardians are allowed to visit or take their ward only on specified Day as mentioned in the School fixtures:-
· Second Saturdays Outing (Refer to Hostel fixtures): 2:30 p.m. (Second Friday of the month after Class)
· Visiting Day: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Every Second Saturday when there is no overnight outing)
No Parents/Guardians will be entertained other than visiting/outing days. Kindly follow the visiting/outing schedule. A visiting card is a mandatory while visiting the ward.
Fancy Clothes:
To maintain equal status and standard, no fancy clothes & fancy shoes are allowed. Therefore, parents/ guardians are requested to buy only one set of Sunday chapel uniform, which will be worn during Chapel Services on Sundays.
Chapel Uniform:
(i). For Boys from Classes Prep I to 12 – One formal black pant, white shirt, footwear and a necktie.
(ii). For Girls from Classes Prep I to 12 – One white top, frock and footwear.
Bible Compulsory:
Parents/Guardians are requested to buy one Bible, which will be compulsory for all students from classes 3 to 12. The students will have to bring the Bible during all Chapel Services.
No Extra Food:
To maintain the status quo of equal treatment of children, cooked food is not allowed during Visiting Day, as parents from far away Districts and States are not in a position to entertain their children with the same.
Contact Timings:
Parents/guardians are allowed to call their ward on the following days.
Saturday – 4:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Sunday – 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.
Ph.: (03862) – 246409/244203.
Pocket Money:
If any parents are interested to give pocket money to their ward. The same may be handed over to the account section with a proper receipt. It should not to be given directly into the hands of children or any Teachers/Staff as it may be misused.
Maximum pocket money allowed for students:
· Classes – Prep 1 to 7 – Rs.500/- per month,
· Classes – 8 to 12 – Rs.600/- per month.
(The same will be disbursed to the child according to the amount deposited.)
If any extra pocket money is found in possession of any child, it will be confiscated by the School Authority and returned to the parents.
Cell Phone:
No Cell / Mobile Phone will be entertained in the Hostel/School Campus for the students, if found, the same will be confiscated by the school authority and will not be returned.
Personal Grooming:
Parents/Guardians are requested not to buy or send hair gel, cosmetic item like nail polish, lipsticks etc. for their wards. These items are not encouraged in the School/hostel at all, if found, the same will be confiscated.
Parents/Guardians are requested to give a good and decent hair cut to their wards before they bring their ward to the hostel after holiday. Parents are also requested that their wards do not dye their hair with different colours.
Dress Code:
Hipster Pant, Short Skirt and over-sized half pant are not allowed in the hostel and school. Therefore Parents/Guardians are requested not to buy or stitch the same from the authorised uniform centre.
A list of compulsory items of clothing, for every student in the school, is provided below. To ensure that student uniforms are of the same shade/colour, parents are strongly advised to buy uniforms from authorised shops, as directed by the School Authorities.
The school dress code is as follows:
· Navy Blue coloured Blazer – For classes (VIII to XII)
· Navy Blue coloured pull-over – For classes (I to VII)
· T. Shirt Grey (Summer) – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· Light Blue Shirts (Winter) – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· Navy Blue Pants – For Boys (I to X)
· Navy Blue Skirt – For Girls (I to X)
· School Tie, Belt & Badge – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· Black Shoe (Naughty Boy) – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· Navy Blue coloured Socks – For Boys & Girls (I to X)
· Grey Pants – For Boys (XI & XII)
· Grey Skirts – For Girls (XI & XII)
· PT Kit (to be worn on Wednesday and Saturday)Classes (I to X)
· House Vest – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· Black Shorts – For boys (I to XII)
· Black divided skirt – For girls (I to XII)
· White canvas shoe – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· White Socks – For Boys & Girls (I to XII)
· Grey Socks – For Boys & Girls (XI & XII)
· Chapel Uniform (for boys)
· Black Pants
· White Shirt
· Tie (any colour)
· Chapel Uniform (for girls)
· Skirt
· White Top
Pre-Primary Section:
· Monday to Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Play Group)
· Monday to Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Nursery, Prep. I &Prep II)
· Saturday – No class
Senior Section:
· Monday to Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. (Cl. 1 to 12)
· Saturday – 8:00 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. (Cl. 1 to 12)
· 2nd Saturday – No class
Parents Visiting hour (Chairman/Administrator/Principal’s Office):
· Monday to Friday – 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.