Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School Dimapur organized its ‘Annual Exhibition’ on 11th November 2016 under the theme “Ability is nothing without Opportunity”. The inaugural function of the Exhibition which was held at the Junior High School Campus of the School at 9:00 AM was graced by Mr. N. Jacob Zhimomi, Hon’ble Parliamentary Secretary, Irrigation & Flood Control, Government of Nagaland as the Chief Guest. Some of the highlights of the inaugural programme were Invocation Prayer by Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, Director of LFHSS Junior High Section, Welcome Address and Felicitation of Chief Guest by Mr. Andrew Ahoto, Chairman cum Principal of LFHSS, Declaration of Annual Exhibition 2016 open by the Chief Guest and Special number by LFHSS Band. The compere for the opening programme was Mr. Vernon Fernandez, Asst. Teacher. Mr. Khekaho Assumi, Hon’ble Parliamentary Secretary for Information & Public Relations, Govt. of Nagaland visited the Annual Exhibition as a Special Guest.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Jacob Zhimomi was critical of the fact that the educated unemployed section of Nagaland always runs after government jobs and do not venture in to other lucrative career sectors with immense opportunities. This, according to him, has resulted in the present condition of the State Government where due to political pressure, there are many clerical and other allied appointments which are unwarranted and irresponsible resulting in huge expenditure on the part of the State Government on salaries alone. He was also of the view that skilled labour is an important entity for the development of any sector. But unfortunately, especially the modern generation of Nagas has total disregard for Work Culture or Dignity of Labour thus leading to employment in the more lucrative private sectors like constructions and other projects being taken away by non-Nagas who, according to him were well equipped in terms of skills and also since they have Dignity of Labour. Thus, uneducated but skilled workers working in Nagaland from outside the state are earning in terms of Lakhs of Rupees as compared to educated Naga youths who earn only 5 to 10 thousand Rupees in a month. The Chief Guest appreciated the efforts of the Management of Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School in organizing the Annual Exhibition which, according to him, would ensure that the skills and talents of the students would get due acknowledgement and platform.
Earlier, welcoming the gathering of dignitaries, parents and well-wishers along with the students, the Chairman of LFHSS, Mr. Andrew Ahoto spoke on the lines of the theme of the Annual Exhibition 2016 ‘Ability is nothing without Opportunity’. According to him, people are bestowed with numerous talents and abilities which become totally useless without the right opportunity or platform to showcase those abilities or talents.
The Annual Exhibition 2016 was an extravagant affair with as many as 42 different Exhibition Stalls put up by the students along with their mentors, which included exhibits from Chemistry, Physics and Biology from Science, Bamboo Craft, Art & Painting, Literature on Burning Topics like Global Warming and Germs & Infection, Ill-effects of Smoking, etc. Some of the exceptional models on display during the Exhibition included Electricity Generation through Speed Breakers, Storage of Current through Bicycle, Rain Water Harvesting, Magic Fan, Home Made Projector, Fire Alarm and Emergency Mobile Charger. Separate Stalls were put up for display and sale of Art & Painting works as well as Bamboo Crafts.