The event was conducted by the following teachers, Mrs. Jessy, Ms. Sunirita, Ms. Helistoli, Ms. Aleno, Mr. Chirstopher, Mr. Raj Ali and Mr. V. Fernandez. Each teacher conducted the Spell-Bee in different categories namely : Cat 1 Grade-I, Cat 2 Grade-II, Cat 3 Grade-III & IV, Cat 4 Grade- V & VI, Cat 5 Grade-VII & VIII and Cat 6 Grade – IX to XII.
Ten spellings, filling the rhyming words labeling the pictures, circle the correct spelling, write the synonym and antonyms of the words given, and choose the apt word were some of the patterns used in the question paper to test the ability of the students. It was basically a written examination.
The total number of students which participated were 146 student. In the Cat 6 division which was conducted by Mr. Sanjeev Momin in the High School 39 students participated. All went of well and here hoping that our students do well and we selected for the national level.