The LFI Boarders belonging to Grade-VIII and below had a wonderful opportunity to escape to the magical land of books when they participated in a reading session with renowned Naga Writer Mrs. Easterine Kire on the 22nd of April 2023 at the White Owl Book Lounge, Niathu Plaza, Chumoukedima. It was a part of an initiative by the Director of LFI, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi in order to inculcate the age old habit of reading among the children so that every child is made capable of picking up this good habit and also learning from the wisdom and knowledge that one garners through books.
The reading session which began at 1:00 PM was an enchanting one wherein the children were made to sit comfortably around Mrs. Easterine and she read out her books aloud to them. She then handed each of the children a book. The session was made all the more ambient with the accompaniment of piano recitals. During the visit, the boarders also took part in songs and traditional Naga dances as well.
The boarders also had a chance to savour some rare baked delicacies at the lounge’s very own cafe. Overall, the children had a wonderful and thrilling experience during their visit.