A one day workshop on school transport safety was conducted at Hotel Saramati, Dimapur on 3rd November 2022. The workshop was conducted by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) in collaboration with the Department of School Education and Department of Road Transport, Government of Nagaland with special assistance from Dimapur District Legal Services Authority (DDLSA).
The coordinator for the workshop was Mr. Neelayapand Bhaskaran, State Nodal Officer, Department of School Education while the Resource Persons included Mr. Akumtemjen, Motor Vehicle Officer and Ms. Apila Sangtam, Legal Advisor.
During the day-long session, the resource persons highlighted various safety rules associated with transportation of school students using school buses and vans. They also touched on various legal aspects and rules and regulations to be followed as per the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
Livingstone Foundation International was represented during the workshop by Mr. Pauly Varghese, Mr. Prashant Sinha and Mr. Necuto.