Keeping up with the fervor of the Christmas season, the Boarders of Livingstone Foundation International celebrated Advent Christmas at the hostel campus on 11th December 2021. The eventful programme which began at 6:30 PM was led by Ms. Hadeno K. Lotha and Ms. Pikatoli of Grade-XII Arts as the MCs and was attended among others by the Chairman, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema, Director, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi and the father and mother figures of the school, Mr. Arthur Edwards and his lady wife, Mrs. Nisheli Edwards.
The programme began with the invocation prayer which was pronounced by Ms. Medozhanuo Tepa, Chaplain of LFI. This was followed by the lighting of Christmas bonfire by Mr. Arthur Edwards and his lady wife Mrs. Nisheli Edwards. While delivering the Christmas Greetings, the Chairman of LFI, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema exhorted the gathering to emulate the true Christian principles as manifested through the life and teachings of Christ who was born as a human to sacrifice himself for our sins.
He also called upon the boarders to go back home and spread the message of love and generosity which is the true spirit of Christmas season. He also advised them not to be too demanding towards their parents and elders during their vacation but instead share in their joy and happiness. After the Christmas Greetings, the gathering was led into the Christmas toast with glasses of glistening juice held up to toast for the joy, well-being and happiness of the LFI Family. The toasting was led by the Chairman and Director who later on joined the gathering in cutting the Thanksgiving Cake.
A beautiful array of talent filled items put up by the students from various dormitories followed shortly after. Some of the items worth mentioning are ‘The Grinch’, a dance number by Grade-XI girls, ‘Believer’ by Master Aditya Rai, ‘Country Road’ by Master Vipuka Yeptho, ‘Muqabala’ by Master Komol Mech, ‘Jingle all the way’ by Master Tonoto Chishi, ‘Corn Salad’ by Grade-VIII and below and many more. Much to the thunderous laughter and merriment of the audience the boarders of Nazareth Dormitory pulled up a hilarious fashion show entitled ‘Victoria Secret’ which was truly a rib-tickling performance. This was followed by the Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Vinyuhunuo Dzuvichu of Grade-XII Science. Before the benediction by Director LFI, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi she gave a brief exhortation to the gathering of students and mentors. She highlighted the real essence of thanksgiving and Christmas season and called upon the students to go back home with certain heart -warming resolutions. She encouraged the students to be generous during the Christmas season especially towards the less-privileged and to spend quality time with their siblings. She also called upon the gathering to seek for inner peace despite all the violence, tumults and adversaries surrounding us. The programme came to a solemn close with a grand and sumptuous dinner for all.