Livingstone Foundation International School buzzed with excitement during the recent Math Olympiad Quiz which was conducted on the 29th of May 2024.
Administered by the Olympiad Club of the school for Grade-XII Science, Teams A, B, C, and D each comprising four bright minds, showcased their intellect in three intense rounds: Rapid Fire, LOTS, and HOTS.
Under the leadership of the club members, participants tackled a range of challenging questions with enthusiasm and determination. Team C, led by Ms. Phengmeth B. Konyak, Master Chongben Ngullie, Master Lanuakum Jamir, and Master Rohit Sharma, emerged as the champion team, earning well-deserved medals for their outstanding performance! Their exemplary teamwork and dedication have set a high standard for academic excellence at LFI. The members of the winning team were awarded medals by the Academic Dean, Mr. Pauly Varghese during the morning assembly.
Math Olympiad is a competitive assessment that evaluates students for their mathematical skills and abilities. The primary objective of this exam is to instill a competitive mindset in students. Unlike school exams, Olympiad exams are intended to unveil the actual meaning of math learning.