It was a proud moment for the entire Stonites when 2 students from Livingstone Foundation International, Ms. Ayala T Jamir and Ms. Alice Konyak of Grade-XI Science, represented Nagaland at the Exposition of Women Innovation and its Outreach for Sustainability (EWIOS), which was conducted by Prasansa Foundation on the 12th of February 2024 at ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vadodara, Gujarat. The two students were accompanied by their mentor, Ms. Sehnaz Aktar.
The programme was a National Event which was catalysed and supported by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi and held exclusively for women inventors and innovators in the field of science and technology. The subjects covered were Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Food and Nutrition / supplements / diets, Marine /costal Sciences, Medical Sciences / Bio-medicine, Rural Art and craft Sciences, Electronics and Electrical Sciences, Biotechnology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and more.
The event provided s common platform to the women inventors from across India to showcase their innovative inventions and projects. It also included deliberations, exhibiting innovations on the common platform, collecting write-ups in the form of abstracts and publications of popular science lectures. Various entries from age groups of 17 to 35 years were considered. The students from LFI participated under the Pearl Category and presented a working model on the concept of hydraulic bridge. The model was prepared using recyclable materials like cartons, syringes, etc. During the programme, the students presented a demonstration on how the hydraulic bridge functions and explained its utility in modern transport and communication.
The programme was attended by participants from various states and union territories of India which included Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, Daman and Diu and some more. It was a very inspiring and insightful experience for the young innovators. A cultural programme towards the close of the event in the evening added an all together different flavor to the scientific extravaganza. The cultural programme demonstrated some rich traditional and modern musical, dance and poetry recitation performances by the participants which also included a very heartfelt and melodious number by Ms. Alice Konyak of LFI.