It is a matter of great pride and providence that the Start Up Project by the Stonites Team entitled ‘Guardian System 23’ was shortlisted among the Startups from Nagaland and exhibited during the Naga Summit 2023 which was organized by the Department of Information Technology & Communication, Govt. of Nagaland at the Conference Hall, Directorate of Information Technology & Communication, Kohima on the 30th of November 2023.
The Team Stonites comprised of Mr. Visali Z. Sangtam of Grade XII Science, Ms. Ayala T. Jamir of Grade XI Science, Mr. Medotso Peseyie of Grade XI Commerce and Mr. Kewigiakhai Mpom of Grade XII Science. The event centered around the theme ‘Digital Frontier: Exploring Opportunities in Emerging Tech’ and was graced by Shri Sethrongkyu Sangtam, Hon’ble Advisor, IT&C and Economics & Statistics, Government of Nagaland, as the Special Guest.
The inaugural session commenced at 10:00 AM featuring a Welcome and Keynote address by Er. Sabou Yashu, Director, IT&C. The Special Guest’s inaugural address was followed by a Knowledge Exchange session and Pitching session by the five shortlisted startup finalists. Team Stonites received a Certificate of Achievement and cash prize for their commendable performance.