The Chapel Department of Livingstone Foundation International observed the solemn occasion of Mother’s Day on 14th of May 2023 under the theme ‘Cherishing All Mothers’. This year, the motive behind the celebration was to cherish, honor and celebrate every mother; fur-baby moms, dad-moms, those without moms, solo moms, new moms, grandmoms, chosen moms, expecting moms and those moms who are praying for a baby.
The Mother’s Day Service, which was held at the LFI Chapel Hall, began at 10:00 AM with Ms Sushikala of Grade-XII Sc as the leader. The Praise and Worship was led by Mr. Gideon Sangma, LFI Worship Leader & Coordinator. Invocation was pronounced by Mr. Imnasungit of Grade-XII Sc.
A special song was presented for the on-campus mothers by the Grade-XII boarders. A passage from the Holy Scripture was read out by Ms. Kishen, House Keeping Staff, LFI. Another special song was sung by Ms. Natasha Kharkongor. The Offertory Prayer was said by Mr. Oyempong of Grade-XII Arts.
An enchanting dance performance by the Rachelites enthralled the mothers. A special message on the occasion was delivered by Ms. Zhimoholi S. Zhimomi, Chaplain, LFI, who also pronounced a special prayer and felicitated all the on-campus mothers.
During her sermon, the chaplain stressed on the exemplary life of Abigail, who saved her husband’s life and the lives of all the males through her wisdom. She also narrated about the life of Salome who requested Jesus to give heavenly citizenship to her two sons. She further spoke on the characteristics of a godly mother and how to honor one’s mother.
All the on-campus moms and the boarders had a great time meditating on the Word of God and retrospecting on their relationships. The stewards of the service were Mr. Phoajun of Grade-XII Sc and Mr. Mhajan of Grade-XII Arts. The service concluded with a mass benediction.