The annual event of LFI Boarders Thanksgiving & Advent Christmas was celebrated with much joy and fervour at the LFI Green Lawn on the 10th of December 2022. The event was marked by numerous colourful and talent-filled items presented by the boarders from various dormitories which included vibrant dance performances and melodious songs.
The occasion was graced by the Director of LFI, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, who delivered a wonderful and thought provoking message on the essence of being grateful to God for everything and also to complain less as we are fortunate in many ways when we compare ourselves with a majority of people. She also exhorted the students to spend more time with their parents and near and dear ones while also thinking about the less fortunate ones. In this regard she profusely thanked the students who had wholeheartedly participated in the Love in a Box campaign. She also led the gathering in the LFI tradition of toasting and lighting of the bon fire.
An amazing surprise that added a rare colour to the occasion was the surprise violin rendition of ‘Joy to the World’ by Ms. Medozhanuo Tepa and Ms. Chothavelu Swuro. The programme was led by Mr. Imnasungit of Grade-XI Sc. and Ms. Nilivi G. Khujumi of Grade-XII Arts. Earlier the invocation was pronounced by Ms. Medozhanuo Tepa, Chaplain. A wonderful Christmas Message was also delivered by Mr. Vernon Fernandez who spoke on the essence of love and giving during the Christmas Season.
The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Ms. Cynthia Alemla Warlarpih of Grade-XII Sc. and Benediction by Ms. Zhimoholi S. Zhimomi, Chaplain which was followed by a sumptuous Thanksgiving and Christmas Feast.