The boarders of Livingstone Foundation International celebrated Diwali with much extravagance and colour on 24th October 2022.
Though an untimely rain, casued due to the cyclonic storm ‘Sitrang’, played spoilsport, the festive mood of the students were not in the least dampened and they heartily partook in the celebration.
The students assisted by the dorm wardens and others lit up the diyas (earthen lamps), exchanged sweets and also took part in a colourful fireworks display which was sponsored by the School Management led by Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, Director, LFI.
A festival marked by four days of celebration, Deepawali or Diwali is the brightest and the most significant festival in Indian culture. It illuminates the country with its brilliance and dazzles people with its joyous celebration. One of the most pious occasions, Diwali is celebrated not only in India but also in southern Asia and in different parts of the world by people of various races and faiths for a variety of reasons. The festival celebrates new beginnings and signifies light over darkness.