An online webinar entitled ‘Awareness Programme on Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance’ was conducted at Livingstone Foundation International on 23rd September 2022. The programme which was webcasted through online projection at the LFI Auditorium was attended by the Students and Mentors of Grades-IX to XII.
The webinar, which began at 1:30 PM, was organized by the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh and was funded by Department of Science & Technology (DST), India. The resource person, Dr. Gitika Batra from PGIMER spoke in length on how to deal with antibiotic resistance and regarding spreading of awareness on the judicious use of antibiotics. She also highlighted the adequate usage of medicines and the prevalent abuse of medicines which causes antibiotic resistance.
At the end of the webinar the students and mentors were also provided with a Google Form link to give their feedbacks and suggestions.