LFI Students of Grade-XI and XII visited a Science Exhibition conducted at Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) in collaboration with National Institute of Technology, Chumoukedima on 7th of October 2022. The Science Exhibition which was conducted under the theme ‘ Integrating Science and Skills’ was graced by Dr. S. Venugopal, Director of NIT as the Chief Guest.
The judges on the occasion included Dr. Nazrul Haque, Principal Scientist, ICAR, Medziphema, Dr. Thingujam Jackson Singh, Asst. Professor and HoD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT, Dr. Renchumi Kikon Kuotsu, Asst. Professor and Dean of Social Sciences, Department of Pol. Sc. PCC and Mr. Rallo Patton, Asst. Professor, Department of History, PCC. After the formal signing of the MoU between Patkai Christian College and National Institute of Technology, the exhibition was declared opened for all. The students had a wholesome experience of various working models and science based projects put up for display during the exhibition. They also had an opportunity of visiting various departments of the college including the Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths Departments. Overall it was a unique learning experience for all the students.