Livingstone Foundation International celebrated its Annual Grandparents’ Day 2022 on 23rd September 2022. The programme which began at 10:30 AM was held at the school’s auditorium. The programme was organized for the grandparents of students belonging to Prep-I to Grade-IV. Apart from the grandparents, the programme was also attended by few parents and well-wishers. It was solemnly graced by the School’s Director, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi along with the father and mother figures of the school, Mr. Arthur Edwards and Mrs. Nisheli Sema.
The programme was led by Miss Ruangriu Panmei of Grade-IV and Master Arthur Longho Synrem of Grade-III as the enthusiastic MCs of the day. It began with an invocation prayer pronounced by Ms. Jasper of Grade-III. The welcome speech was delivered by Ms. Romela Zeliang which was followed by a wonderful speech on the significance of the Grandparents’ Day by Miss Lipavi Pucho of Grade-II. This was followed shortly by Bible Recitation by students of Prep-I and Prep-II. The energetic students of Grades-I to IV presented a host of entertaining items which included A Child’s Prayer, Group Dance and Today’s the Day.
Earlier a special cake dedicated to the occasion was cut by Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Edwards. Tokens of appreciation were also presented to all the grandparents who had attended the programme by the LFI Director, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi. A surprise gift was also presented to the grandparent with the best outfit and to the eldest among the grandparents.
During the time given to grandparents for expressing themselves, a couple of grandparents spoke, expressing their gladness and immense pleasure to be a part of their grandchildren’s happy moments including the Grandparents’ Day. They also appreciated the school on getting international recognition and expressed their gratitude to the School Management, mentors and students. Speaking on the occasion, father figure of LFI, Mr. Arthur Edwards related his memorable experiences during his childhood.
The programme concluded with Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Sunurita Maring and Benediction by Ms. Zhimoholi Zhimomi, Chaplain of LFI. After the programme, the invitees were entertained to a sumptuous refreshment.