The annual event of LFI Green Day was observed by the students and mentors of Prep-I to Grade-III of Livingstone Foundation International on 14th September 2022.
On the occasion the students were made to decorate their class-rooms with green theme. The students also presented themselves for the special day in Green outfits. In order to encourage the junior students, Miss Manshvi Rathore of Grade-XII (Science) spoke to them on the significance of the Green Day.
A special photograph session of the students and mentors was also conducted with students clad in Green Colored outfits. The students carried out various activities wherein they made paper crafts and colored them with Green Color. They also imprinted their palms on papers with green washable colors. Moreover a special Display Board was also put up on the occasion at the School Campus on the theme of the Green Colour. The primary objective of observing the Green Day each year is to create a general awareness about the greenery that abounds our planet earth and to conserve and take care of our ecosystem.