CBSE AISSE & AISSCE Exam Results, 2022
A huge CONGRATULATIONS for making us all proud by clearing your AISSE and AISSCE with such tremendous achievement. We had complete faith that you will do well and come out with flying colours and you all have proved it. It is always our wish and desire to see you succeeding in life.
In a very special way the Management would also like to congratulate our dear Parents &
Guardians as without you our dear students would not have seen the light of day. Education is the door to freedom which all of you have ensured for your children notwithstanding the amount and days of suffering and sacrifice that you may have endured. You have raised remarkable men and women. And we honour and thank you for trusting us, for believing that we could honour what you’ve already
endeavored. Words are immeasurable in tendering our heartfelt gratitude to our dear mentors for your painstaking efforts in creating the right avenues and opportunities for our young Stonites.