A one-day seminar on the Advancing North East web portal was conducted for the students of Grades-IX and X at the LFI Auditorium on 23rd June 2022. The seminar which was led by Mr. Prithviraj Neog from the North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi), mainly dwelt on the key aspects of letting students get the best career options by visiting the web portal of Advancing North East.
Mr. Neog, through a screen presentation, explained to the students how they can visit the web portal and choose from a host of different verticals of career options. The students were also encouraged through various videos which have been embedded in the web portal itself.
Mr. Neog was accompanied by his colleague, Mr. Pankaj Periwal and Mr. Niky from Youth NET, Nagaland. Earlier, all of them were felicitated with school magazines and mementoes.