The annual event of LFI Red Day was celebrated by the students and mentors of Prep-I to Grade-IV on 10th June 2022.
On the occasion the students were made to decorate their class-rooms with red theme. The students attended school for the special day in resplendent Red attires. Even the mentors joined the students in sharing the joy of the colour red by turning up in red outfits.
A special assembly was also conducted on the occasion where Ms. Himakshi Shinvi of Grade-III read out the significance of the day and a special item was presented by the students of Prep-I to Grade-I. The rest of the day followed with focus on the colour ‘Red’ and related activities were conducted inside the respective classrooms.
Red Day is celebrated worldwide to celebrate the vibrancy of the Red Color which happens to be the most striking primary color. It is also celebrated to make the students learn about this primary colour and its importance.