A three-day Young Peacemakers Training Programme was organized by the North East India Region of YMCAs in collaboration with Y’s Men International and the National Council of YMCAs of India at Livingstone Foundation International from 29th to 31st October 2021 under the theme of ‘Conflict and Peace Culture’.
The training programme was hosted by YMCA Nagaland under the stewardship of its President, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema, who is also the Vice President of the North Eastern Region of YMCA.
The main Resource Person for the three day event was Dr. Fr. C.P. Anto, Director of Peace Channel, Nagaland and Principal, North East Institute of Social Sciences and Research, Dimapur, Nagaland.
The training was attended by around 60 young participants representing different tribes and communities from across Dimapur and adjoining areas.
The Inaugural Function of the YPP which was held at the auditorium of Livingstone Foundation International on 29th October 2021 was graced by Mr. Geoffrey Yaden, Editor and Proprietor, Nagaland Post and Convenor, YMCA, Nagaland as the Special Guest.
The three day event was attended by a host of dignitaries which included Mr. Udipta Fullonton, Secretary, SHD, ICPS, Resource Mobilization, National Council of YMCAs of India, Mr. Shamir Thabah, Regional Secretary, North East India Region of YMCAs, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, Vice President of Women Wing, YMCA Nagaland and Director LFI, Mr. David Khobung, PRO, YMCA Nagaland, Rev. Dr. T.N. Lotha Jr., Principal, Eastern Bible College and Mr. Aochuba Yaden, Vice President, YMCA Nagaland.
The training mainly focused on the issues of Conflict and Peace Culture wherein the Resource Person, Dr. Fr. C.P. Anto walked the participants through a series of sessions on understanding the concepts of peace- making, gender and cycle of socialization, conflict and resolution.
A separate session on introduction to YPP was earlier taken up by Mr. Udipta Fullonton in which he introduced the idea behind the initiation of YPP in India. In the midst of the training, the participants also had the opportunity of show casing their talents in the fields of song and dance during the Delegates Social Night on 30th of October 2021.
On the final day of the training, Peace Promotion Proposals were handed to the participants and the Regional Secretary, YMCA, NEIR highlighted the proposal structure for adoption by the participants and also to base their performance and selection.
It is noteworthy that the four best proposals will be selected and supported by the National Council of YMCAs.
Additionally, the selected participants will have the opportunity of attending the National Level Young Peacemakers Programme to be held at Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu from 27th to 29th January 2022.
The selections of the best participants will be based on their performance of peace promotion in their community besides a selection procedure by the Regional Secretary, YMCA, NEIR and YMCA Nagaland.