In a bid to raise awareness regarding the health of our environment, Livingstone Foundation International observed the World Environment Health Day on 26th September 2021.
The event gains much prominence due to the pandemic around the globe which has brought to the fore the immense role that environment plays on the health of the earth as a whole and the human beings in particular.
The day was observed in a unique way by organizing a plantation drive under the leadership of LFI Director, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi whereby Moringa saplings were planted in and around the school and college campuses by the students and mentors.
It is noteworthy that Moringa is one of the best medicinal plants, which has great health benefits for effective control as well as cure of conditions such as diabetes, bacterial, viral and fungal infections, joint pain, heart ailments, cancer and many more.
Through this initiative, LFI sends out a clear message for the entire world on the necessity of healthy body and healthier environment. It may be mentioned that, since 2011, September 26 is observed annually as World Environmental Health Day across the globe. It was established that year by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), a body of 44 member states.
Every year, the occasion is marked under a special theme, with that for the current edition being “Prioritizing environmental health for healthier communities in the global recovery.” The “global recovery” here refers to that from the ongoing pandemic of the corona virus disease (Covid-19).
The theme is based on the “Manifesto for a healthy recovery from Covid-19” which was released by the World Health Organization on May 26, 2020.