International Mother Earth Day

LFI celebrated the International Mother Earth day on the 22nd of April, 2021. This day is celebrated as a reminder of essentiality to protect and live-in harmony with nature as Planet Earth is our home. It was first established by the UN as International Mother Earth Day in 2009, and as enlightened by the UN, the idea of ‘Mother Earth’ is used because it “reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit”. As such on this day, environmental organisations from across the world come in unity to highlight the urgent need to protect the many ecosystems that make up our environment and are facing threat due to human actions.
In accordance to this significant day, LFI organised a video shoot campaigning awareness and significance of protecting out Mother Earth. The event began at 11:00 am with students of Grade XII namely, Mr. Rumen Pongener, Mr. Moanungsang, Miss Renemenla, and Miss Wapangsenla sharing brief awareness speech on why we should treat our planet Earth equally as they would treat their own Mother. Along with inspiring video messages, students also brought saplings to be planted in the campus for which students from different Grades were given the opportunity to plant saplings in and around the campus accordingly. Besides this, an Inter-House Board display competition with the theme Mother earth was also held where Luke house bagged the 1st position. Towards the end, a group photo of the students was taken with the presence of the Chairman and Director, whilst maintaining SOP guidelines and adhering to strict COVID-19 protocols.