Certificate Distribution for the Fit India Movement- Inter House Walking Competition and Chapel Ministry

In regard to the recent Fit India Movement- Inter House Walking Competition held on the 17th of April,2021. LFI felicitated the winners of the competition on 20th of April, during the school’s morning assembly, with certificates as well as congratulated and encouraged every student for their earnest participation with zealous vigor of youth. The certificates were distributed to the students by the Director Madam Ani Yepthomi. The Chairman, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema, delivered a brief speech on the importance of fitness in our lives as well as applauded the winners, Mentors and all participants irrespective of winning or losing, he conveyed that the act of participation was no less than winning. In continuation of which, he also commended the students who faithfully gave their service to the Chapel Ministry and awarded them with certificates of appreciation for their selfless dedication in faith and work.