LFI Sisterhood

Give from your heart. Give out of kindness, not obligation.
Give for no particular reason. Don’t wait for a special occasion.
Every day is an opportunity to be generous.
Give without being asked. Step up to the plate before someone makes a request of you. Surprise them with your kindness.
Give any way you can.
Give a little if you can’t give a lot. But remember, if giving that gift doesn’t hurt a little — you’re not giving enough.
Give without strings attached. Give without expecting something in return.
Your reward should not result in personal gain but in making others happy.
Give of yourself. Lavish gifts are not a substitute for caring. Give of your time, talent, or expertise.
Give to show that you care.
Be available in times of need. Lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on.
Give without creating dependency. Instill self-reliance.
Teach someone “how to fish” rather than making them dependent on your benevolence.
Give to those who need it most.
There are people less fortunate than you. Make a difference in their life.
Give without attracting attention. Be humble. Don’t make a spectacle out of your generosity.
Be Generous: The More You Give, the More You Receive