NCC CATC-36 at Livingstone Foundation International

The Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC)-36 of 1 Nagaland Girls BN NCC, Kohima, Nagaland was held at Livingstone Foundation International for the NCC Cadets of 10 Colleges and 25 Schools from all over the State. The 10-day camp was conducted from 3rd to 12th July 2019. A total of 436 Cadets including 405 Girls Cadets and 31 Boys Cadets attended the CATC-36. The Camp was led by Col. Avinash Pitre, Commanding Officer of 1 Nagaland Girls BN NCC as the Camp Commandant. All together 08 ANOs/CTOs, 13 PI Staff Members and several Civil Staff Members were deputed for the said camp. 34 Cadets led by their ANO, Lt. Abigail Thapa and T.O. Kajenkala Longchar represented LFI at the Camp. The Special Guests on the opening day of the camp was Brigadier SS Dhankar, Group Commander, NCC Group HQ, Kohima and for the valedictory function was Shri T. John Longkumer, IPS, DGP, Nagaland Police.
The Camp started on 3rd July 2019 with the arrival and sensitization of the cadets and the ANOs at the venue area which was followed by earmarking of the companies. The cadets were divided into 4 companies, viz. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta and accommodated at four separate dormitories of the LFI Hostel. The ANOs, PI Staff along with some of the Civil Staff were accommodated at the Gabriel Dormitory while the Nazareth, Eden, Rachel and Bethany dormitories were utilized for the accommodation of the Cadets.
Various Inter-Company competitions and activities were conducted during the course of the camp which included Line Area Competition, Tug of War, Basketball, Tent Pitching, Quiz, Drill, Firing, Map Reading and Cultural Program.
Various Guest Lectures were also presented during the camp by eminent resource persons from different fields. The Guest Lectures included Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking by Mr. Bendang & Mr. Kithan from Kripa Foundation, Kohima, Career Prospects for NCC Girls Cadets in Territorial Army by Maj. Shivender Pandey, 114 Inf Bn. TA Jat, Motivation & Informative Lecture by Asst. Commandant Alovika Swu, NPS, 15 NAP, Chumukedima, Medical Standards required to join Indian Armed Forces by Capt. Kritika, Medical Officer, 165 MH, SSB Training Capsule for NCC Cadets by Col SS Sahi, HQ IGAR (N) Adm, Career in IPS & NPS by IGP (Trg & Bdr) Kohima, Career for NCC Cadets in the Armed Forces as Officer by Col GS Trg., HQ 3 Corps, Health, Hygiene & their Prevention by Mr Nisa Kho, Deputy Director, Health & Family Welfare Department, Kohima.
Apart from the above, the camp also witnessed Weapon Display by 5 Assam Rifles, Dimapur and HQ 3 Corps, Disaster Management & First Aid Training by Directorate of Home Guards & Civil Defence, Kohima, Tour of Army Aviation Flight Centre and AF Stn/AC Display by Col GS (Trg) HQ 3 Corps and Martial Arts Training by Nb Sub Uchit Sharma, Assam Regimental Centre, Shillong.