Anti-Bullying Awareness Programme For Hr. Sec. Students 2018

A Two-Day Awareness Programme on ‘Anti-Bullying’ was conducted by students of Grades-XI and XII belonging to the Four Houses viz. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John during the Morning Assembly on 9th and 10th August 2018. The main objective of the Awareness Programme was to create awareness among the students about ‘Bullying’, its ill-effects and to put an effective end to this evil practice in the school. 2 students each from all the four houses were chosen by their respective House-Masters to present speeches on the topic of ‘Anti-Bullying’.
On the first day, the girl participants of the four houses spoke on various key aspects such as ‘What is Bullying?’ Anti-Bullying Protocol, Impact of Bullying on Victims and the Bullies themselves, etc. Miss Supongbenla, School Counsellor spoke on Counselling and Anti-Bullying as a crime. On the second day, the boy participants spoke on the Impact of Bullying on Bystanders, Warning Messages to the Bullies, Do’s and Don’t’s on an issue of Bullying,etc. Mr. Prabhat Mandal, Principal (Academics) also spoke on various aspects of Bullying and why Bullying is considered as one of the worst crimes which should be regulated in the schools.
On both the days, posters on Anti-Bullying were put up on display all over the campus by the students of Grades-XI and XII to further enhance the Anti-Bullying Campaign.