NEN Summer Farm School Field Trip To Chizami 2018

1 students along with 2 escort teachers and 1 photographer from LFHSS participated in a week long Field Trip to Chizami Village from 27th June 2018 to 3rd July 2018. The Field Trip was conducted in the form of a Summer Farm School (SFS) was conducted by the North East Network (NEN) under the theme ‘Bridging the Farm to Plate Gap’. It was conducted with an aim to connect urban based students to local food and farming systems through an experiential learning module.
The Summer Farm School aimed at bridging the traditional knowledge gap on sustainable food systems and make students understand the process from food production to consumption. All together 22 high school students from 6 educational institutions from Kohima and Dimapur participated in the Summer Farm School. The Resource Persons included custodian farmers and community knowledge holders from Chizami – Zulhipe Chirhah, Khenemvu L. Mero, Mesilhi-u Akami, Dikhwetsuo Wezah, Tasetshulhou-u Kapfo and Kezukha-u Wezah. The Resource Team also included Dr. Samhita Barooah, freelance researcher and writer; Er. Khuvoi Vese, NBHM; Dr. Esther Longkumer, ACTO Soil, KVK-ICAR; Wetshete Thopi, Lecturer; Kilentola Jamir, teacher & volunteer, IOFC and NEN members including Seno Tsuhah, Facilitator, NEN.
The students from various institutes including LFHSS presented their experiences and learning through skits, music items, poetry recitation, poster exhibition and speeches. On the first day, i.e. 27th of June 2018 the NEN members warmly welcomed the participants to the Summer Farm School Resource Centre at Chizami, Phek District and led the students for the registration. The Welcome Address and introduction to the Summer Farm School was presented by Ms. Seno Tsuhah, Facilitator, NEN. The introductory session followed shortly afterwards. On 28th June (Day-2) the first session of the SFS was conducted on the topic ‘Ecology and Food Chain’ by Dr. Samhita Barooah, freelance researcher and writer followed by a short session on ‘Butterflies and Moths’ conducted by Ms. Kewekhrezo Thopi of NEN. The final session of the day was on ‘Soil Science’ conducted by Dr. Esther Longkumer, ACTO Soil, KVK-ICAR. On Day-3 of the SFS on 28th June, there was a discussion session on ‘Terrace Farming and Water Sharing Practices’ by Mr. Zulhipe Chirhah, community knowledge holder and farmer. The other sessions for the rest of the Summer Farm School included ‘Homestead Gardening’ by Ms. Wekoweu Tsuhah, NEN; Jhum Farming by Ms. Mesilhil-u Akami and Ms. Dikhewetsou Wezah; Biodiversity Walk.
The Valedictory Function was held on 2nd July 2018. The programme began with the Welcome Address delivered by Ms. Wekoweu Tsuhah and the invocation prayer by Rev. Mese Rakho. The Chief Guest and Guest Speaker on the occasion was Mrs. Vechulou-u Kanuo, Executive Director, Chakhesang Women Welfare Society (CWWS). She emphasized on the importance of growing one’s own food that is free from chemicals in order to stay healthy and live long. Ms. Seno Tsuhah, in her concluding remarks motivated the participants to translate their learning into action back in their homes and schools. Mr. Andrew Ahoto, Chairman of LFHSS along with Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, Director Junior High also graced the function. The Chairman also gave away participation certificates along with the Chief Guest, Mr. Zulhipe Chirhah and Mr. Mhetshelo T. Kapfo, Sub-Inspector of Schools. It may be mentioned that the NEN organizes Summer Farm School annually and this year’s was the 3rd one.
AWARD & CERTIFICATES: 11 Participation Certificates.