Observance Of World Environment Day 2018

Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School observed the World Environment Day on 5th June 2018 under the World Health Organization’s (WHO) theme of ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’. This year’s observance of the World Environment Day is particularly important as India has been chosen as the Host Country by the United Nations. The event was observed at both the Junior High as well as the Senior Sections of the School by conducting different activities.
All together 30 students from LFHSS along with one teacher also participated in a Cleanliness Drive organized by various organizations spearheaded by the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) to mark the important occasion. The Cleanliness Drive started at 6:00 AM after a briefing at the City Tower. The Stonite volunteers were assigned the location from Hotel Senti till Burma Camp.
The programme was a brief one at the Junior High where during the Morning Assembly, Mr. Karan Ghebring, Asst. Teachers delivered the Significance of the World Environment Day. Later on Board Displays were put up for display in the school compound. The students also were encouraged to decorate their Display Boards with thematic charts, paintings and articles on Environment.
At the Senior Section, the Programme was organized by the LFHSS Eco Club. It was conducted during the Morning Assembly where the teachers as well as the students presented an array of interesting items. The programme was led by Mr. Sanjeev Momin, Asst. Coordinator as the MC. The significance of the Day was read out by Miss. Khrievozonou of Grade-XII Sc. while a Special Number was presented on the occasion by Mr. Kavitho of Grade-XII Arts. A Special Skit Show was also presented as part of the programme by the members of the Eco Club led by Mr. Arvind, Teacher In-Charge of the club. The Skit was mainly conducted to bring about awareness about the different elements of our environment like Air, Water, Soil, Energy, etc.
At the end of the Skit Show, Mr. Arvind gave a short talk on the various advantages of opting for career courses in Environment Related Sciences. A short speech was also presented by Mr. Prabhat Mandal, Principal (Academics) while the Vote of Thanks was proposed by the MC. During the occasion the Eco Club Members and all the four Houses also put up posters on Environmental issues for display. The programme culminated with the planting of tree saplings in the senior school compound by members of the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) along with the Heads, Teachers and students.