The Junior High Investiture cum Oath Taking Ceremony 2017 was held at the LFHSS Auditorium on 7th June 2017. The programme which began at 11 AM was graced by Mr. Andrew Ahoto, Chairman and Principal as the Special Guest. Mr. Karan Ghebring was the M.C. of the programme. Apart from the Director of Junior High, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi and her staff of teachers, the others who graced the occasion included the Administrator, Mr. Arthur Edwards and his lady wife, Mrs. Nisheli Edwards, Principal (Academics), Mr. Probhat Mandal, Vice-Principal (Admin), Mr. Shyamal Nag, Vice Principal (Academics) Mrs. Shama O. Chetrri, Hostel Superintendent and Co-ordinator, Mr. Zakir Hussain and other teachers.
The invocation prayer was said by Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, Director of Junior High who also presented the welcome address. She thanked the Chairman cum Principal, Mr. Andrew Ahoto, Principal (Acad), Co-Ordinators, Teachers and students for their cooperation in making the programme a success. According to her the delegation of authority was given to the students so that they could be trained to take up leadership skills and thus help them in becoming future leaders. She also took over the responsibility of Leader March and Oath Taking of leaders (Captains and Monitors) and also their induction. She exhorted the leaders to abide by the rules and regulations and to discharge their duties to full satisfaction and to serve the student community in any given situation. Badges for the leaders were presented in turn by all the distinguished guests present including Mr. Andrew Ahoto.
In his address to the gathering Mr. Andrew Ahoto encouraged and challenged the leaders to rise up to the occasion and prove their worth. According to him an idea rules the world and that nobody owns the idea but it belongs to only those who expresses it first. He also underscored the fact that it is not the position that one gets that is important but it is the utilization of that position which is paramount. He questioned the students as to whether they were capable of becoming what others expect from them. He also spoke in length about the unbiased nature of true leaders who are never partial but are always firm and good. He further said that good leaders will always keep followers. He expressed immense happiness at the transformation shown by Junior High in a couple of years and encouraged the Senior Section to take a worthy example from the Junior High. To conclude he challenged the newly inducted leaders to uphold the badge that they were wearing.
The other speakers during the occasion included the Administrator, Mr. Arthur Edwards and Principal (Academics), Mr. Prabhat Mandal. The other highlights of the programme included a special song entitled Channel of Peace by Ms Aleno Khatso and Ms Arhoni, dance by Ms Kajenkala Alinger and Parinaya Prem Sharma of Grade-VII B. Also a special number was presented by Miss Era and Miss Illiholi of Grade-VIII. Finally, the vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Vernon Fernandez, Asst. Coordinator.