Junior High Students and Mentors celebrated the International Family Day along with the rest of the world on 10th May 2017 with a brief programme which was held at the Chapel Hall. The programme which began at 10:50 AM was compered by Mr. Vernon Fernandez as the M.C.
The programme began with the invocation prayer which was led by Mrs. Tiajungla which was followed by the Welcome Address by Director of Junior High, Mrs. Ani Yepthomi who while welcoming everyone to the programme emphasized on the need to develop and practice Resilience in our day to day life. She elaborated on what each letter of the word RESILIENCE meant. R stands for Remember you are good enough, E stands for Everyone is different, S stands for Stop comparing yourself, I stands for Individuality rocks, L stands for Learn something new daily, I stands for Involve yourself in what you love doing E stands for Enjoy things that make you happy, N stands for Not everyone can be 1st, 2nd or 3rd, C stands for Care about yourself and others, E again stands for Expect that some days won’t be great. She further went on to remark that God has not blessed us commonly or equally but He has blessed us uniquely. Earlier, Mrs Ani Yepthomi wished everyone a Happy Family Day and also thanked the teachers for their tireless efforts for making the programme a success.
In his brief speech Mr. Zakir Hussain, Hostel Superintendent and Coordinator underscored the importance of learning which begins from the Womb and ends at the Tomb. He applauded the tremendous efforts of the Junior High Students and Mentors led by Mrs. Ani Yepthomi in bringing about learning through new endeavors.
The significance of the day was highlighted by Mrs. Indrani Ali who spoke about the importance of celebrating the International Family Day. This was followed by short individual accounts about their own family by two students each from Grades-I to VIII in which they shared about their family life. Another important highlight of the programme was the declaration of the Election Results of House Captains’ which was done by Mrs. Ani Yepthomi, Director Junior High.
The programme came to a close with the school song led by Ms. Aleno Khatso and Ms. Arhoni followed by Election of School Captains by the students of Grades-V to VIII.