The IAYP mentors organized a visit to Rev. Longsa Memorial Orphanage on 6thMay,2017 from 2.30pm to 5.15pm for the students of the school.
The motive of the event was to increase awareness among the students to the needs and problems of others and learning how to give useful service to others deliberately.
Thirty students of the school were taken to the orphanage to indulge in community service as a part of their project under Service Section.
The students actively participated and executed various activities such as cleaning of the boys and girls dormitories, study rooms, decoration of the children’s homes and cleaning of the compound. They prepared snacks for the underprivileged and presented gifts to them as a token of love. They also indulged in conversations with the children at the orphanage and performed songs for them.
Mrs. Aren, the owner of the orphanage commented that ‘out of many visitors, the Stonites had really left an impression in their hearts ‘.She also prayed for the students and the school.
Overall, the students had a wonderful experience, benefitting them in a million little ways.