An Inter-Dormitory Quiz Competition was held at the LFHSS Chapel Hall for the Boarders on 29th April 2017, Saturday. The Quiz Programme was graced by Mr. Arthur Edwards, Administrator of LFHSS as the Special Guest. The Quiz Masters on the occasion were Mr. Bhisma Hazarika and Mr. Vernon Fernandez.
The Quiz started at 6 PM with an introduction by Mr. Zakir Hussain, Hostel Superintendent. All together 3 participants from all the Dormitories viz. Rachel, Bethany, Gabriel, Eden and Nazareth participated in the Quiz. After several rounds of interesting questions and answer sessions, Eden Dormitory was adjudged as the winning team. The winning team was presented with a cash award of Rs. 1000/-
The questions during the Quiz Competition were mostly asked on Current Affairs and General Knowledge. There was also a special round on Bible which was taken over by Mr. Vernon Fernandez. Earlier a few words of encouragement were shared by the Administrator, Mr. Arthur Edwards who highlighted the importance of Knowledge and programmes like Quiz Competitions in a student’s life. He was of the opinion that such programmes are encouraged from time to time so that students do not lose their touch with General Knowledge.
All the in-staff teachers along with the Hostel Superintendent, Mr. Zakir Hussain were also present during the programme. The programme came to a close at around 8 PM.