Message from the Principal

Livingstone Foundation International
I feel very privileged to be part of such a great institution and therefore, I urge all students to dream BIG for achieving BIG, set higher goals, get a thrill in beating your previous best and reach out and capture farther orbits of dreams. After all it’s not for the stars to hold your destiny but for you alone. I remind you once more of these most powerful words
“This I can and I will do”.
If your mind can perceive it,
Your heart can believe it!
Then you CAN….Achieve it!
It will be well to remember that the things taught in College are not education but a means to education. Whatever you have learned here will help to see you through life. Remember to believe yourself, your ideas and in God, which will form a strong character. Two aspects of character are conduct and courage. Often the test of courage is not to die, but to live – to live to fight, face and overcome adversity. In life there will be many disappointments but remember that disappointment is the nurse of wisdom. It is the beginning of a new dawn, a new awakening. It will be your teacher for life. Two important things imperative for a kite to fly are the string and wind blowing against it. Translating this simple kite fight into human life, it is axiomatic that the fight of a kite is the success of an individual, the string is the unparallel virtue of DISCIPLINE and the wind blowing against the kite is the weathering the obstacles, trials and tribulations in life, in the face of which a man’s personality blooms getting the requisite pruning and moulding to develop a character. When the string is cut, the kite comes down crashing to the ground, sans discipline; no endeavor will yield any success. Ideas rule the world and thoughts rule your life. It is your mind which moulds your destiny. If you probe in depth, you will find that the so-called mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. Emerson, the great thinker and writer says, “Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day”. If you think success, you create a climate in which success is probable. If you think failure, you set the stage for it. Your success and happiness are directly related to the achievement of the goal you have chosen.
After selecting the goal, you must send the right signals to your unconscious mind. You must avoid fearful thoughts, worrying thoughts and failure thoughts. Believe in the power of thought to change things. Banish all self-doubts, resentment, guilt complex, worry and you will find strength, vitality, joy and success come rushing in and literally flooding you with superb achievements. Changing patterns of thought may appear somewhat difficult in the beginning, but it can be done, practiced and developed. If you change your setting, you can usually change your mood. Why does a person feel he cannot accomplish a task or solve a problem which confronts him? It is not due to lack of intelligence or education. It is because he lacks interest and is not motivated enough. Therefore, he readily falls prey to inertia, self-doubt and worry. “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind”. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all the thoughts are drained. Someone has rightly said that we should all live for a purpose rather than drift like a rudderless vessel in life. To achieve something worthwhile should be a drive from within, if it is imposed from outside, it will be short lived because the God has endowed each one of us with great potential. In fact, an important means to realize our latent abilities is by carving out a brilliant career after a realistic evaluation of our aptitudes and attainment. Once this vocational choice is made in true sense of the term, it propels us towards the cherished goal. Discover your assets; overcome your disabilities by regular training and practice. Add to the list of your accomplishments and talents. Let failure multiply your efforts and enhance your courage manifold.
The Bible says, “Be strong and of a good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”. This word has put new faith, new courage and new confidence in many to intensify their efforts and achieve phenomenal success
As we march into a brighter tomorrow, may our living Lord continue to guide us, that we, both staff and students of Livingstone Foundation International College work together and are able to live the dream of the founders and make this college a well-known institution.
To God be the glory great things He hath done!
Qualifications and experiences of Principal
1. Name: Dr. R. K. Behera
2. Qualification: M.A, Ph.D.
3. Recipient of Governor gold medal 2015
4. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS) ISSN: 2249- 8389
5. Advisor, International Interdisciplinary conference on Research in Behavioral Sciences The road ahead 2013 (Proceedings) ISBN-9768192339307
6. Member in Research Advisor Committee of Philosophy Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Projects and World Conference on Existential Harmony- 2014
7. Author of a book “Philosophical concept of God” (ISBN 81- 87606-22-3) from Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi
8. Paper contributed in the book “Beyond Humanism, Philosophical essays on environmental ethics” (ISBN 9351251063)
9. Name enrolled in philosophy of International Directory of Philosophy and philosophers from Philosophy Documentation center, Bowling Green state University, USA
10. Paper presented in an international conference on “values and identity in the world of today” organized by council of research and values and philosophy, Aledandru Loan Cuza University, Romania , 2014
11. Paper presented education and cultural values in sixth southeast Asian Biannual conference on the theme “Religion, values, identity and the ASEAN integration”, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, 2014
12. Paper presented religion the sacred and hospitality in the international conference religion the sacred and hospitality, Universitatea Din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 2016
13. Member, Nagaland State Council of Higher Education, Government of Nagaland